Advanced and Expert divisions make up roughly 63 percent of Ranked Play players in Call of Duty: Vanguard

The vast majority of Call of Duty: Vanguard Ranked Play players are in either the Advanced or Expert skill divisions, Treyarch revealed today.
Treyarch lead game designer Lawrence Metten posted the graph below on Twitter today, revealing the distribution of all Ranked Play players as of this morning’s global population. While Vanguard is a Sledgehammer Games production, for the most part, Treyarch has developed the game’s Ranked Play system.
The graph reveals that 34 percent of players are in the Advanced division while 29 percent are in Expert, meaning that around 63 percent of all Ranked Play players are in these two skill divisions. Expert is directly in the middle of the pack when it comes to the game’s seven divisions.
In theory, this means that the ranking system is working in that the majority of players are in the middle tiers or below. Only around 19 percent of all players are Elite or higher, with just one percent of all players within the highest skill division known as Challenger.
In Ranked Play, Vanguard players from across the world can test their mettle on the ladder against others to try and rank up to earn rewards and bragging rights. The ranked playlist features the same game modes, maps, and weapons that the pros use in the Call of Duty League.
Vanguard ranked play is still in beta after being released during the season two update in the middle of February. More updates for the mode are expected in the coming weeks and months.
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