Destructive champ duo taking over bot lane with sky-high win rates through LoL Patch 13.13

Ever since Rell was given her mid-scope update earlier this summer, many League of Legends players have started to finally realize how much potential she has as a perfect engage threat on an all-in team composition.
In Patch 13.13, for example, the Iron Maiden currently has a whopping 53 percent win rate, which is the highest in her class among Platinum players and higher, according to League stats aggregate U.GG. She is also taking over the bottom lane with Miss Fortune, with the powerful duo boasting an impressive 56 percent win rate through the same ranked distribution.
Miss Fortune and Rell are a perfect pairing in the bottom lane since their ability sets work so well in tandem with one another, with Rell stunning and locking down enemies into place while Miss Fortune lays down unrivaled damage-per-second with her ultimate ability, Bullet Time. If timed correctly, these two power picks can decimate an entire team in a short few seconds.
By her lonesome, Rell is a formidable pick for any supports who fancy hard engage and tankiness. She can soak up a ton of damage due to the armor and magic resist she obtains from her passive, Break the Mold, while she also brings two forms of stuns, a knock-up, and a large ultimate that pulls all enemies in her area-of-effect, then pulls them into her for two seconds.
Overall, Rell’s new update has given her a lot more reliable crowd control that she can apply in multiple instances, from early-game skirmishes to late-game teamfights. She is a frightening sight to see when your team is grouped up and forces players to use champions that are more mobile or carry spell shields.
Miss Fortune, on the other hand, has always been a go-to for AD carry players in multiple different Elos, but she works so well with Rell compared to almost any other support. She excels alongside heavy crowd control so that she can deal as much damage as possible without getting interrupted, and Rell can ensure that she doesn’t run into much resistance as she brings the rain.
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