Diamond-ranked LoL players are dominating the mid lane with this bruiser once again

One League of Legends bruiser has been often appearing in the mid lane and boasting massive win rates. Folks, he’s done it again.
Singed is a champion usually found in the top lane, but for a year or so now, he’s been accumulating jaw-dropping win rates in higher ranks in the mid lane. In Patch 13.17, it’s happened again. At the time of writing, Singed has been sitting on a mind-boggling 56.53 percent win rate in the role in Diamond+ ranks, according to a League site U.GG.
It’s an enormous advantage over the second-best, Tryndamere, who so far has recorded a 53.99 percent win rate in the mid lane. Although his pick rate is slightly higher (1.3 percent) than Singed’s, and he has a higher ban rate.

Nevertheless, those who have been following high ranks in League should hardly find it surprising to see Singed’s resurgence in the newest patch. The champion has been always doing well when there are other bruisers and fighters dominating in the lane, like Tryndamere, Rumble, Akshan, and Gangplank, who are immensely popular in the meta.
On top of that, with the solo queue being so teamfight-oriented, you can arguably squeeze a lot more from Singed in the mid lane than the top lane. With a successful gank or two, you can allow him to roam to other lanes, giving you an advantage left and right. Additionally, he has a really powerful spike when he completes his two core items: Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and Radiant Virtue.
Singed could be here to stay for a few more updates. He hasn’t found himself on the list of nerfed champions in the early League Patch 13.18 notes. But I wouldn’t expect him to be picked competitively at Worlds 2023 unless teams draft around him. But that hasn’t been happening in the past few months, and likely won’t change going forward.
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