League of Legends players share the mechanics they miss most

Over the years, League of Legends champions have seen countless nerfs, buffs, and reworks to their mechanics. While many of those mechanics were broken at one point in time, players often reminisce about how fun they were.

One of the most popular suggestions was Soraka’s Astral Infusion (W) ability to heal minions. “Nothing made enemy adcs tilt faster and harder than never getting a cannon minion for the first 15 minutes of the game,” a Redditor wrote on Sept. 12.

This was actually not the only ability that you could cast on minions. As mentioned by other players, Karma’s shield and Taric’s heal were also abilities that you could apply to minions to aid you in attacking the turrets.

Another Soraka’s ability that used to work differently is her Starcall (Q). It was used to reduce the enemy’s magic resistance instead of just slowing them and dealing damage.

The thread also mentioned one of the older items, Oracle’s Elixir. It was an item that would grant you detection of nearby invisible units for up to four minutes or until death. And four minutes is at least three minutes and 30 seconds too much, especially if you are playing Jungle.

This meant that champions like Talon, Teemo, Akali, and Shaco would end up helpless against the elixir. The item was eventually removed from the game in the Patch 3.14 back on Nov. 20, 2013. Instead, you can now use the Oracle Lens, which is used for a similar purpose but is active for six seconds with a limited range and takes your Ward slot.

An honorable mention goes to Mordekaiser’s old Ultimate, Children of the Grave. The ult could curse the enemy champion and if they die, Mordekaiser would get a controllable version of them.

The funniest part? The ult had a passive skill that made it work on Dragons too. This means that you could have a 2,000+ HP pet dragon on your side rushing the enemy base. On an old PBE footage, you can even see the dragon with almost 30,000 HP.

Many players mentioned their favorite items and abilities that used to be in the game. Things like Jax’s old dodge and Urgot’s former ultimate cropped up. But as one player said: “With most stuff im glad its gone.”

Lots of things were removed from League, but players will never stop finding new broken skills or item combinations. All we can do is enjoy the fun while it lasts.

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