LoL Arena champion tier list: The best champs for 2v2v2v2 mode

A new mode called Arena was added to League of Legends with Patch 13.14 on July 20, bringing a much-needed breath of fresh air to the game. Players have been in awe of the new mode, but with 164 champions available to play from the game’s huge roster, it’s easy to get lost and not know which is best.
In the game mode, players team up in a 2v2v2v2 showdown. The maps regularly change, with the terrain being different on each one and players picking up new Augments out of the dozens available.
Arena is certainly one of the most entertaining modes added to League, especially because it features a ranked ladder that allows the best players to shine and climb. But with nearly 170 champions, it’s difficult to determine which are the best for Arena and which are not.
Don’t worry, we’ve already put a number of hours into the new mode and we’ve tried out countless duos. As a result, we’ve been able to put together this tier list of the best champions in League Arena.
Table of contents
- S-tier in League Arena: The very best
- A-tier in League Arena: Great, not perfect
- B-tier in League Arena: Solid picks
- C-tier in League Arena: Fine to play if you know them
- D-tier in League Arena: Consider avoiding
- E-tier in League Arena: The very worst champions to play
S-tier champions in League Arena
These League champions are the very cream of the crop and we consider them the very best champions to play in Arena if you want to regularly win your gladiatorial battles in the new mode:
- Jax
- Annie
- Fiora
- Kayle
- Kennen
- Vayne
- Yorick (added on July 30)
- Cassiopeia
- Kayn
- Swain
- Warwick
- Kai’Sa
- Skarner (added on Aug. 25)
- Shyvana (added on Aug. 25)
- Renekton (added on Aug. 25)
These champions are from different roles in the game’s Summoner’s Rift modes, but there is one thing most have in common: they each scale exceptionally well. On top of that, most require some mechanical skills, like Vayne, Jax, or Illaoi. But once they’re mastered, they can be valuable in your Arena duo.
Besides that, most of these champs have kits that allow them to shine in close-quarters brawls. Making proper use of their ultimates and other abilities will be pivotal to achieving success and climbing the ranks.
Why you should play each S-Tier pick in Arena
Jax, Grandmaster at Arms
The Grandmaster at Arms may not have a real weapon yet, but he’s certainly in his element in the Arena. Jax wins 60 percent of games in the eight-player mode. I always pick Lightning Strikes or Deft for that extra punch, and you should too.
- Best duo: Taric, Ivern
- Best ban: Singed
- Core build: Divine Sunderer, Blade of the Ruined King, Spear of Shojin
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Symphony of War
- Gold: Lightning Strikes
- Silver: Deft
- Standard skill order: W > E > Q > R
Annie, The Dark Child
Look, I think everyone knows why Annie is so good in a close-quarters League lobby, especially when there are only two targets. That brutal E, W, Flash, Q, R combo can sizzle even the best of the best in Arena. Annie boasts a 60.52 win rate right now and draws 16.6 percent of bans.
- Best duo: Fiora, Trundle
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Liandry’s Anguish, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Shadowflame
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Infernal Conduit
- Gold: Combo Master
- Silver: Witchful Thinking
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Fiora, the Grand Duelist
Any champion designed to one-vs-one enemies easily shines in Arena and Fiora is no exception. She wins 61.79 percent of games right now.
- Best duo: Annie, Corki
- Best ban: Vayne
- Core build: Divine Sunderer, Ravenous Hydra, Blade of the Ruined King
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Blade Waltz
- Gold: Outlaw’s Grit
- Silver: Shadow Runner
- Standard skill order: Q > E > W > R
Kayle, the Judicator
The scaling monster of Summoner’s Rift wins nearly 57 percent of Arena games and draws a hefty 30.1 percent bans too. I even had to double-check her ban rate just recently; the last time I updated this article she was down in the 20s; League players are cottoning on to just how dangerous a lategame Kayle can be in 2v2v2v2 clashes.
- Best duo: Warwick, Fiora
- Best ban: Jax
- Core build: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Nashor’s Tooth, Kraken Slayer
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Symphony of War
- Gold: Scoped Weapons
- Silver: Deft
- Standard skill order: E > Q > W > R
Kennen, the Heart of the Tempest
I’d ask you to look at the battlefield the Arena game mode is hosted on, and then I’d ask you to look at Kennen’s Slicing Maelstrom ultimate and its 550 radius. It’s no wonder the Heart of the Tempest is winning 63 percent of games.
- Best duo: Fiora, Draven
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Hextech Rocketbelt, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Jeweled Gauntlet
- Gold: Combo Master
- Silver: Witchful Thinking
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Vayne, the Night Hunter
Silver Bolts, Condemn, and Final Hour. These three abilities are a beautiful mixture in regular League. In Arena, even in slow hands like mine, they’re near-perfect. Vayne ranks fourth highest in wins (60.28 percent) for a reason.
Vayne was another Arena power pick hit by nerfs on July 25, but dents to her Q damage and W strengths did little to her 2v2v2v2 power.
- Best duo: Taric, Kennen
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Kraken Slayer, Blade of the Ruined King
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Symphony of War
- Gold: Scoped Weapons
- Silver: Deft
- Standard skill order: W > Q > E > R
Yorick, Shepherd of Souls
The second newer addition to S-Tier is Yorick and the Maiden. I could tell you about the power of his ‘cage’ and his 61 percent win rate, or even the 5.22 percent ban rate he is drawing, but I think there’s only one real selling point here, and it’s a doozy—Yorick nets an average KDA of 2.48 across his matches, the very best in Arena.
- Best duo: Annie, Heimerdinger
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Divine Sunderer, Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Goliath
- Gold: The Brutalizer
- Silver: Infernal Soul
- Standard skill order: Q > E > W > R
Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace
Only Taric outstrips Cassiopeia when it comes to win rate right now and his positives are all defensive. Scoop up the Serpent’s Embrace—strangely, she’s only being banned 4.6 percent of the time—and grab some free, Petrifying Gaze-fuelled wins on your way to that lofty Gladiator ranking. Cassiopeia was the last of the top Arena characters to get slapped with nerfs in July, but like Taric and Vayne she’s still held firm at the top.
One thing that sets her apart from all the rest is her kill potential. Cassiopeia stands tall (alongside Yorick) with a huge 2.48 KDA per game; the equal best in the mode.
- Best duo: Twitch, Trundle
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Liandry’s Anguish, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Infernal Conduit
- Gold: Combo Master
- Silver: Witchful Thinking
- Standard skill order: E > Q > W > R
Kayn, the Shadow Reaper
Kayn is perhaps the strongest Brutalizer champion in the Arena, with all that added attack damage, ability haste, and lethality letting him dish out the pain with abandon. He may be a little higher than usual because of his Taric combo, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying his Daarkin powers.
- Best duo: Heimerdinger, Annie
- Best ban: Vayne
- Core build: Eclipse, Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Goliath
- Gold: The Brutalizer
- Silver: Infernal Soul
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Swain, the Noxian Grand General
This one’s easy—press R, activate your Demonic Ascension, and win 57.23 percent of matches. Oh, they’re running away? Lucky you have Nevermove.
- Best duo: Taric, Fiora
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Liandry’s Anguish, Demonic Essence, Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Infernal Conduit
- Gold: Rabble Rousing
- Silver: Witchful Thinking
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun
Perfect for when your blood’s up. Warwick may have turned into the strongest hunter on Summoner’s Rift, but don’t think for a second that means he’s any weaker in the closed-off Arena battlefield. Those claws are sharp, and games go his way a lot—60 percent of the time, in fact. Scoped Weapons is a fun way to add Burn to the chaos too.
- Best duo: Annie, Corki
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Divine Sunderer, Blade of the Ruined King, Sterak’s Gage
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Symphony of War
- Gold: Lighting Strikes
- Silver: Deft
- Standard skill order: W > Q > E > R
Kai’Sa, Daughter of the Void
The Daughter of the Void may be getting nerfs on the Rift soon, but in the Arena she is as deadly as ever. She wins 57.72 percent of games and is basically the perfect ADC for any support pick.
- Best duo: Taric, Kennen
- Best ban: Annie
- Core build: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Kraken Slayer, Immortal Shieldbow
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Symphony of War
- Gold: Lighting Strikes
- Silver: Deft
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Shaco, the Demon Jester
Like Heimerdinger, Shaco brings extra toys into the Arena and it just feels unfair; lay those traps to perfection and your enemies won’t be able to move.
- Best duo: Illaoi, Yorick
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Liandry’s Anguish, Demonic Essence, Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Infernal Conduit
- Gold: From Beginning to End
- Silver: Witchful Thinking
- Standard skill order: W > E > Q > R
Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard
With the ability to lock down one enemy with his ultimate and an extremely beefy kit, Skarner is a fantastic Arena champion you simply can’t ignore when aiming to climb the ladder.
- Best duo: Corki, Sivir
- Best ban: Volibear
- Core build: Iceborn Gauntlet, Titanic Hydra, Spirit Visage, Thornmail
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Goliath
- Gold: Perseverance
- Silver: Guilty Pleasure
- Standard skill order: Q > W > E > R
Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands
Renekton’s early game on Summoner’s Rift is always powerful, and the same could be said about his kit in Arena. With the abilities to pretty much butcher your enemies health bars with your abilities, you could match him with another bruiser or some long-distance carries and go for some easy wins.
- Best duo: Corki, Ivern
- Best ban: Maokai
- Core build: Eclipse, Blade of the Ruined King, Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Goliath
- Gold: The Brutalizer
- Silver: Executioner
- Standard skill order: Q > E > W > R
Shyvana, the Half-Dragon
Similarly to Renekton and Skarner, Shyvana is an all-in champion which scales really well in Arena recently. With her kit, you have the ability to go for both AD and AP items, having a bit of diversity and being difficult to defend against.
- Best duo: Sona, Vi
- Best ban: Kai’Sa
- Core build: Trinity Force, Blade of the Ruined King, Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Best augments:
- Prismatic: Goliath
- Gold: Thread of the Needle
- Silver: Infernal Soul
- Standard skill order: E > W > Q > R
A-tier champions in League Arena
- Master Yi (dropped from S-tier on July 30)
- Sett (dropped on July 30)
- Viktor
- Wukong
- Kalista
- Twitch
- Singed
- Volibear
- Kog’Maw
- Kindred
- Vi
- Illaoi
- Jayce
- Vladimir
- Lillia
- Zyra
- Zac
- Brand
- Urgot
- Sona
- Riven
- Soraka
These champions are still incredible in teamfights and can greatly benefit from a number of Augments in Arena. Besides that, you’ll find tons of versatility among these champions, from squishy yet powerful AD carries, mages, and supports to beefy and tanky bruisers and tanks, which combined can create some powerful combos.
By picking one of these champs, you have a guaranteed head start in Arena, especially since they mostly don’t require much knowledge and mechanical ability. They’re just not as successful as our S-tier champs.
B-tier champions in League Arena
- Taric
- Alistar
- Nasus
- Dr Mundo
- Ivern
- Trundle
- Malzahar
- Corki
- Anivia
- Varus
- Rakan
- Nilah
- Mordekaiser
- Maokai
- Veigar
- Samira
- Gwen
- Milio
- Xayah
- Vel’Koz
- Draven
- Lucian
- Aurelion Sol
- Lissandra
Now we pivot to the unusual and tough-to-use choices. These champions often have kits that are quite strong in Arena if used right. Yet most of them lack enough steam to be powerful throughout the whole game and often just fall behind at one point in time.
Nevertheless, if one of these champions is your main and you can’t imagine climbing the ladder without them, we’re sure you’ll find ways to claim victories along your way. You just need to know your limits, find a proper duo partner for your Arena battles, and hope for some really nice Augments.
C-tier champions in League Arena
- Lulu
- Zed
- Leona
- Heimerdinger
- Pantheon
- Bel’Veth
- Janna
- Udyr
- Graves
- Irelia
- Sivir
- Jarvan IV
- Renata Glasc
- Miss Fortune
- Karma
- Gangplank
- Nautilus
- Cho’Gath
- Kha’Zix
- Fizz
- Gnar
- Yasuo
- Shaco
- Morgana
- Elise
- Xin Zhao
- Ashe
- Rumble
The champions are often still formidable in many key aspects of Arena, like teamfighting, tanking damage, being the main damage source, or providing utility and crowd control. Yet, often they’re superb in only one or two of these aspects, and in most games, they’ll get outclassed by other champions unless you got lucky when choosing your Augments.
D-tier champions in League Arena
- Rell
- Nocturne
- Zeri
- Malphite
- Lux
- Naafiri
- Thresh
- Karthus
- Ekko
- Ahri
- Seraphine
- Sylas
- Kled
- Taliyah
- Camille
- Qiyana
- Shen
- Yone
- Darius
- Diana
- Hecarim
- Tahm Kench
- Jinx
- Ziggs
We’re off to the penultimate section of our tier list. Champions in this category might be fun to play, especially once you land a fun Augment or two, but they often fail to produce results. They are usually tough to use in most duos and don’t have enough tools to efficiently climb the ranks—at least, they didn’t help us.
E-tier champions in League Arena
- Pyke
- Caitlyn
- Jhin
- Azir
- Viego
- Rengar
- Aphelios
- Bard
- Rammus
- K’Sante
- Tryndamere
- Nami
- Lee Sin
- Nidalee
- Sion
- Quinn
- Nunu and Willump
- Zoe
- Rek’Sai
- Yuumi
- Ezreal
- Akali
- Akshan
- Sejuani
- Katarina
- Orianna
- Quinn
- Gragas
- Zilean
- Kassadin
- LeBlanc
- Evelynn
Every game mode in League has champions who aren’t fit for it, and the case is the same with Arena. These struggling champs are almost useless in the two-vs-two-vs-two-vs-two teamfighting marathon, and we doubt that will change anytime soon unless Riot gives them some love and affection. For the time being, we’d advise you to stay away from these champs in Arena.
Update July 30, 11:17pm CT: Added Yorick and Alistair to S-Tier, dropped Master Yi and Sett to A-Tier, updated all win rates.
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