LoL player hits Amumu bandage from a full screen away to counter ultimate

Sometimes, League of Legends’ extensive cast of characters lends itself to some seriously unique interactions between champions. In a post to Reddit earlier today, one player showed off a bizarre interaction between Poppy and Amumu that ended up creating one of the longest casts of Bandage Toss you’ll ever see.
In the clip, a teamfight raged on near the dragon pit and the red team’s frontliner, a Poppy player, was at low health and began to run away from the encounter. As their teammates started to drop like flies, the Poppy player ran for the hills but was quickly followed by a tenacious, kill-hungry Amumu player.
In an effort to create distance, the Poppy tried to cast Keeper’s Verdict (R) and slam the Amumu back toward their base. Instead, they were quickly countered.
It’s clear that in the clip, the Poppy player casted Keeper’s Verdict (R) at the near-same exact time that the Amumu player used Bandage Toss (Q). Instead of being knocked back by Poppy’s ultimate, though, the Amumu’s Bandage Toss registered first, and as a result, the cast still went off. Since the Amumu player landed the skillshot, the range didn’t matter, and the hit still went through.
From well beyond the dragon pit, the Amumu player came flying back into frame, sticking to the Poppy player like glue and completely negating any effect that Keeper’s Verdict might have had.
Although the clip cut off before the kill on the Poppy player was shown, it’s pretty safe to assume that they were dispatched by the Amumu and their quickly approaching teammates. According to the Amumu player’s page, they ended up winning the game in just over 32 minutes.
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