LoL players agree on biggest mistake supports make in solo queue

In some League of Legends games, every player gets auto-filled to a different position, and from our experience, it’s almost always support. On Oct. 5, players agreed on the biggest mistakes a few individuals make when playing the role.

League player and Reddit user called loosegoosestorm began the discussion by pointing out how some players in the support role pick champions from other positions like Xerath, Zac, and Lux, and don’t focus on the bottom lane. In their eyes, it’s damaging for the entire team, since it allows the enemy duo to abuse your AD Carry, which leads to an early advantage.

Loosegoosetorm explained it’s due to the fact some people play support as if they were slotted to another role. “The biggest issue I see with supports is that people will pick Lux and play it like they’re a mid lux who happens to go bot lane and not farm. […] Playing support means your health bar becomes a resource for trading, you get presence in the lane, and you try to control vision,” they wrote.

The author added some players would rather stay away from the bottom lane and focus on things that would be mid laner’s or jungler’s priority, not theirs. As a result, a lot of ADCs automatically lose their lane due to such behavior.

Lux shoots a beam of light forward in League of Legends
From our experience, Lux is the most-often picked mage by autofilled supports. Image via Riot Games

Many players agreed and shared their stories with similar outcomes. If you’ve been playing League recently and aren’t ranked in Diamond or such, you’ve likely experienced it firsthand as well. Players who get filled to support often tend to complain from the get-go and beg for a switch with others. If their requests aren’t made, they just pick a mage and stay behind their ADC because they don’t know how to gain bot lane presence.

This example shows that even if you main one role, you should be ready to take on the mantle of another position when needed. In the end, it’s better to get autofilled, than wait in queue for minutes.

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