LoL players agree one ‘default’ support has fallen off in recent years

With 167 champions in League of Legends, the landscape of power is constantly changing. Champions can be in their prime in one season, then become completely useless in the next. Now, players agree one specific support is way past his prime.
This champion is none other than Thresh. League players agree he used to be a “default” support who was a decent pick against any team composition, but he’s fallen off in recent years. Redditors discussed Thresh’s fall from grace in a March 5 Reddit post.
“Thresh defined the support role and was considered the pinnacle of support play. […] Why has Thresh fallen off? It seems to me that Nautilus is picked as the most common support nowadays and fulfills a similar role in drafts that Thresh did years ago – hook champion with a decently versatile kit,” the author said.

Players came up with several arguments explaining the shift in the support meta. One mentioned how Thresh was always a flexible support who was useful regardless of his gold—but nowadays, supports have a lot of income. Others outlined how the Chain Warden has been constantly targeted by nerfs, “while the power level of other supports has only increased.”
At the same time, players believe Thresh’s tasks are simply done better by other champions. Nautilus has far better crowd control tools that work similarly. Also, Thresh isn’t even the best choice when you’re trying to protect immobile AD carries, since Lulu or Milio offer better utility. Additionally, his ultimate feels weak and outdated, which isn’t surprising as it was created 11 years ago when there weren’t so many mobile champions.
It goes without saying Thresh needs buffs to return to the meta in any significant way. But is Riot Games actually interested in revamping the support king? So far, it doesn’t look like it.
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