LoL’s new Street Demon cosmetics finally give forgotten champion first skin in over 1,700 days

Summoner’s Rift is ready to become your own personal canvas with League of Legends’ new Street Demon skin line, which will be bringing cosmetics for five champions—including one champ that hasn’t seen any love from the skins team since 2018.
In this colorful new skin line, Brand, Rengar, Neeko, Zyra, and Dr. Mundo will all be getting some pizzazz added to their various outfits as they jump into the battle donning bright, flashy colorways and a splash of attitude and style.
This new cosmetic line is a great combination of darker tones along with eye-catching neon colors, with each champion boasting graffiti-inspired visuals. From each ability being outlined like a wall tag, paint splatter on impact to their recall animation showing off their own personal tag on an invisible wall, these street artists are ready to make an impact and leave their mark.
The Mad Doctor of Zaun is also getting a skin for the first time in over 1,700 days, breaking the longest-running streak without a cosmetic in the game. His last skin was Frozen Prince Mundo, which was dropped on the live servers during the 2018 winter season along with that year’s seasonal event.

Even though he went through a major visual and gameplay update two years ago, the burly doctor of doom hasn’t seen much game time with players in both solo queue and the pros alike. With this new skin, however, he could see some players pick him up as he splashes the top lane with his own color palette while he soaks up all the damage he can.
The next champion who has gone the longest without a skin is now Skarner, who is one of the least-played characters in League. He is, however, set to receive a highly anticipated visual and gameplay update that will revamp both his outdated looks and ability set, which could mean he will be getting some new skins—whenever Riot is ready.
The Street Demon skins are now available on the League PBE, according to the game’s official Twitter account.
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