Neekola? NBA champ Jokic shares favorite LoL mains, role

Among professional basketball fans, the off-court activities of Denver Nuggets center Nikola Jokic have ascended to mythological status.
Between the reigning champion’s love of horse racing and his affinity for dancing during the offseason, the Joker has quite a few hobbies. And we can confidently add playing League of Legends to the long list of extracurricular activities that make Jokic one of the most fun-to-follow players in pro ball right now.
At NBA All-Star Weekend, a reporter for FanDuel asked the two-time MVP who he’s currently maining in League, and Jokic responded by sharing some of his current mains, as well as the role he’s putting his efforts into right now.
“I’m a top,” Jokic said. “And I’m playing … who am I playing right now? Urgot, Illaoi, I’m going to say those two.”
As soon as the words League of Legends were brought up by the reporter, Jokic’s face completely changed expressions. The Nuggets star commended the reporter for their research regarding such a niche question before divulging his favorite champions. Jokic’s enjoyment of League has been common knowledge for a little over a year, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that his main champions were shared with the world. Now, we know who the champ is using to climb.
And honestly, it checks out that Jokic is a top laner. Considering the position is largely represented by champions who are huge in stature and could easily play the five in basketball themselves, it makes perfect sense that there’s a one-to-one translation between the big man and some of his favorite champs. The only question we have now is if a Dunkmaster skin is in the works for either Urgot or Illaoi.
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