One underrated LoL champion has the most kills among high-rank players in Patch 13.6

Evelynn jungle in Platinium and above has the highest average kills per game in League of Legends Patch 13.6 with 9.18, according to stats site U.GG.
Despite so many kills, she’s just the 19th most-picked champion in this position, though, with a pick rate of 4.3 percent.
Still, it looks like players are finally acknowledging Evelynn’s potential in the meta. Agony’s Embrace is the seventh most-banned champ in the jungle in Plat and above with 11.6 percent, and she also boasts an eye-watering 51.59 percent win rate. Combine that with her incredible average kills per game and it’s easy to see why picking her will often lead to success.
Evelynn has all the tools needed to reign supreme in Summoner’s Rift. Her kit relies on unleashing her abilities onto enemies at rapid speed, while also providing her with some sustain when she’s not fighting. With these qualities and stealth from her passive, flanking and quickly eliminating squishy targets comes naturally.
That said, she can’t stay in fights as long as other jungler, which means that her kill rate isn’t always paired with enormous damage. Evelynn’s 15th in terms of average damage per game in Plat and above.
Besides Evelynn, there are a number of champions with high average kills in these ranks. Master Yi, Rengar, Talon, Shaco, and Kha’Zix are just a few that have recorded above eight kills per game on average in the current patch.
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