Riot confirms 2 top LoL supports will be disabled for MSI 2023

We’re only a couple of weeks away from League of Legends’ 2023 Mid-Season Invitational, but fans still had a few questions about the event.
One query, for example, was the status of both Yuumi and Milio, and whether or not the two popular champions would be available for teams to pick at the tournament. In a short statement today, Riot Games confirmed that both the Magical Cat and the Gentle Flame will be disabled at MSI for a number of reasons.
First, the developer teams have been hard at work balancing out Yuumi’s recent mid-scope update. But after recent nerfs to the champion, Riot has decided she simply isn’t ready for stage play just yet. Instead of releasing an “untuned and disruptive champion” into the MSI ecosystem, the devs have decided to keep her on the back burner until they are confident in her place among the meta supports.
Milio, on the other hand, is being delayed for a much more straightforward reason. He hasn’t been enabled in competitive play yet, and the rules state that if a champion hasn’t been enabled in the playoffs for all four major regions, they cannot be enabled for the ensuing international tournament.
After MSI, however, fans should expect Milio to join the cast of available champions for the 2023 Summer Split across all regions and at the 2023 World Championship. With enough luck, Yuumi will also have her mid-scope update completely figured out and balanced by then so she can possibly make an appearance at the tournament as well.
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