Riot steps in with much-needed buffs for Rell in LoL following midscope update

Some of League of Legends’ most recent midscope updates have landed well among players, while others have needed a bit more tuning. The champion that received a midscope update along with Patch 13.11 yesterday is on the latter path, leading Riot Games to offer her a bit of help.
Despite the hype surrounding Rell’s midscope update, the changes did not make as impactful of a mark on Summoner’s Rift as Riot had intended, resulting in a 39-percent win rate for the champion within 24 hours of the changes going live, according to OP.GG. Luckily, Riot has stepped in today to apply some much-needed buffs for Rell’s pseudo-reworked state, granting her higher numbers and percentages around nearly her entire kit.
These changes have been released on the live servers as part of a hotfix today.
Players quickly noticed upon playing with Rell’s changes on the live servers that she was fairly squishy compared to her previous iteration, despite the Iron Maiden being an engage tank who can cover herself in armor at will. Therefore, her base health regen, magic resist, and health regen growth are being increased, as well as allowing her to steal a bit more armor and magic resist through her passive.
Rell’s unmounted form will become a bit less of a detriment for players to use with a reduction in its self-slow, a greater shield, and a longer knock-up duration upon remounting. A damage increase is also being added to her E alongside faster movement speed, allowing Rell and her allies to charge into battle more quickly.
Riot is even pushing the idea of Rell jungle further with adjustments to the monster damage ratios attached to her Q and W, though the champion has an even worse win rate in that role than her primary role—currently sitting at 33 percent, according to OP.GG. While players may find an optimal strategy in which Rell can be used efficiently within the jungle as time goes by, this slight change should make her clear faster.
Should these buffs not be enough, Riot may incorporate further changes to Rell alongside Patch 13.12, which is expected to release on June 14.
Update June 2 2:50pm CT: Riot Raptorr has indicated that these buffs are indeed a part of a hotfix patch that has just been released to the live servers today.
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