If you’ve had issues climbing the ranked ladder in League of Legends, some incoming changes to the LP system may be the extra help you’ve been searching for.

Riot Meddler revealed today in a Reddit thread discussing the recently-published video regarding upcoming changes to League that players will soon notice larger LP gains from winning their ranked games—though this will also impact losses the same way. Starting with Patch 13.4, which is expected to release on Feb. 23, the average LP gained and lost per ranked game is increasing from 15 to 22.

“We’re making this change…because we’ll have two seasons in ranked this year instead of just one like we used to,” Meddler said. “Doesn’t seem appropriate to stick with the same tunings.”

But as this is a change to an average LP gain/loss, players’ individual MMRs will continue to greatly affect movement following their ranked games until it stabilizes. Yet for most players, this change will allow them to climb at a faster rate before the first part of the ranked season ends this summer.

Meddler detailed that the team will be monitoring this massive change to the ranked system and will “adjust as needed,” but that ultimately these new calculations should allow players to reach their accurate ranks at a quicker pace—made even easier by the recent adjustment from five divisional promotion games to three.

The LP changes, impacting both wins and losses in League’s ranked game modes, will be put into effect with Patch 13.4 on Feb. 23. Players will also be able to expect a plethora of other changes in this patch, including the tuning of melee support items.

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