Riot to nerf Zeri, Lee Sin, others in League Patch 12.7 as MSI preparations get rolling

The next round of balance changes coming to League of Legends in Patch 12.7 was revealed by Riot Games earlier today. Only several patches remain before this year’s Mid-Season Invitational and, as the tournament draws near, Riot has the intention of “shaking up the meta’s dominant picks and adding some new ones that we haven’t seen,” according to today’s patch preview.
Last season, Riot altered the meta immensely ahead of MSI, bringing previously off-meta picks like Lee Sin in the top lane, as well as Rumble and Morgana in the jungle position, into the high-priority end of the competitive spectrum.
MSI was played on Patch 11.9 in 2021 so (theoretically) there will be two more balance patches before the tournament if the League team follows last year’s model.
14 champions in total are set to see their power levels altered in Patch 12.7, with four in particular—Zeri, Ryze, Lee Sin, and Jayce—scheduled to receive nerfs in the patch. This update will address champions at nearly every position, except support, as balance updates will be coming to champions across the Rift in the near future.
Here’s every champion being nerfed in League Patch 12.7.
- Zeri
- Ryze
- Lee Sin
- Jayce

Beyond champions, certain items including Fimbulwinter, Galeforce, and Moonstone Renewer are also on the slate to be nerfed in Patch 12.7. The only rune that Riot intends to nerf in the patch is Time Warp Tonic.
League Patch 12.7 is scheduled to release on Wednesday, April 13.
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