Riot to significantly shift LoL ADC Mythics, will bring back ‘shockingly’ iconic item after MSI

The 2023 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational is right around the corner, but Riot Games is already planning some big adjustments to the Mythic item system for marksmen.

In a developer blog post today, Riot Axes said the team is ready to test out a new version of the Mythic system, where the items transform from situational build responses into “high-power, high-satisfaction, capstones” that define a build.

“We’re specifically looking at changing our philosophy on Mythic items for many champs and are no longer holding Mythics to the original 75 percent purchase rate scrutiny,” Riot Axes said. “We are instead holding high player satisfaction as the most important value, even if it means a champion builds the same Mythic item every game.”

As a result, Riot will be making Infinity Edge, Navori Quickblades, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Galeforce the four primary Mythics for AD carries. Kraken Slayer and Immortal Shieldbow will now be featured as legendary items, while other items will be reworked as needed.

Additionally, one iconic marksman item will be making a return to Summoner’s Rift: Statikk Shiv. This memorable item was removed from the game in 2020 and was only kept in a few different titles like Teamfight Tactics and Wild Rift.

The item provided the player with an Energize stack every time they moved or auto attacked, and after collecting 100 stacks, the player’s next basic attack dealt 120 bonus magic damage on-hit and bounced to seven other targets. When Statikk Shiv returns, however, the item will have a different stat profile and it’s unknown if it will have the same effect as in past iterations.

Ultimately, Riot is ready to have ADCs play with at least one Mythic item, and the developers are fully expecting multiple different AD carry champions to have only one optimal Mythic.

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