Bwipo names one LEC duo he would be ‘surprised’ to ever see play together again
The former LEC star would be stunned to see some of his former teammates reunite.
News DetailThe former LEC star would be stunned to see some of his former teammates reunite.
News DetailNA fans could finally shout the winner’s name in the venue.
News DetailThese two teams are the cornerstones of one of professional League’s most historic rivalries.
News DetailWorlds is beginning to look a bit more stable after a rocky first day.
News DetailMore bad news from the boys in orange and black.
News DetailAggression and precision were key for the pride of Europe.
News DetailIt was one of the best games of the split so far.
News DetailThey helped the team qualify for the ESL Pro League season 15 playoffs.
News DetailThe final weekend is before us, LEC fans.
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