Riot sends massive Swain changes to League PBE, removes pull on crowd-controlled enemies, increases Demonic Ascension power, and more
Runeterra’s favorite bird whisperer is getting a huge facelift.
News DetailRuneterra’s favorite bird whisperer is getting a huge facelift.
News DetailIt was a dominant season from one of the best teams in the league.
News DetailThe MSI hopefuls already boast a blistering 9–0 record this postseason.
News DetailWe’re getting spicy right before MSI.
News DetailThe League devs are laying the groundwork ahead of MSI 2022.
News DetailThe young blood of the LEC didn’t stand a chance.
News DetailIt’s always good to see older champions get some attention.
News DetailSomeone ban Knight’s Ahri please.
News DetailThese two champions have been begging for some love from Riot.
News DetailExcel will make its first playoff appearance.
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