The 10 least-played League of Legends champions (March 2024)

With more than 160 unique champions, League of Legends has one of the largest rosters of any MOBA game. Every year since its release in 2009, Riot Games has designed new champions with exciting kits and unseen mechanics or playstyles.
While this is great for stimulating players and adding even more depth to the game, the constant addition of new characters has inevitably made others obsolete. Here’s a look at the 10 least-played champions in League.
Least-played League champions in Challenger

Here are the 10 least-played champions in the Challenger rank of League right now based on their games played (and consequential pick rate) according to LoLalytics data for Patch 14.6. Note: We haven’t included champions who haven’t recorded any matches in Challenger yet, but we have listed them at the end of the page.
10. K’Sante — 2,297 games
9. Graves — 2,287 games
8. Lucian — 2,244 games
7. Alistar — 2,174 games
6. Braum — 2,108 games
5. Xin Zhao — 2,090 games
4. Varus — 1,703 games
3. Orianna — 1,526 games
2. Renata Glasc — 1,197 games
1. Xayah — 1,119 games
Challenger players naturally have a better idea of what’s currently the best in the meta since they represent the very top of ranked play and professional League, and as such, a majority of these picks are understandably weak
It’s tough to say whether you base you should pick champions based on Challengers’ picks. While they have a better understanding of the game, you might still carry some of your games with these champions as long as you master them.
Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the 10 least-played champions in League overall.
Least-played League champions in all ranks
10) Yorick

Despite a positive win rate of 50.35 percent a ‘B’ tier ranking, Yorick is currently the tenth least-played character in League of Legends. However, that win rate might fluctuate a bit if Yorick was chosen for more than 1,106 games.
9) Skarner

Poor Skarner. He’s been a regular on this list for a long time. However, seeing him as high as the ninth least-played character is an improvement on the fact that he’s been the least-played on more than one occasion.
It’s a bit surprising the scorpion hasn’t found much love considering his positive 50.17 win rate and ‘B-‘ tier ranking. However, he’s still only been played for 1,070 games.
Thankfully, Skarner will be receiving a big rework sometime in 2024.
8) Dr. Mundo

Surely a League of Legends champion doesn’t get picked less for being…unpleasant to look at, right? That could be the case for the disgusting Dr. Mundo since his stats on LoLalytics seem to imply that he isn’t that awful in a game. A 52.08 percent win rate is highly respectable, and a ‘B+’ tier ranking isn’t too bad either. However, he’s still only been chosen for 1,058 games.
7) Sejuani

Now here’s an entry whose stats on LoLalytics reinforce their low total of 995 games. At an abysmal ‘D+’ tier ranking with an unfavorable 48.74 percent win rate, Sejuani is definitely not a popular choice. Players online point to her low pick rate being due to an uninteresting playstyle, so maybe she’ll see a rework in the future.
6) Zeri

Interestingly, Zeri is a comparatively new character to the League of Legends roster as she was released as recently as January 2022. However, she’s not popular among pros or average players. Overall, she has a pretty terrible win rate of 47.42 percent, a ‘D+’ tier ranking, and only 875 games played. Many think that her kit is the problem, and it seems likely that she’ll remain unpopular unless Riot sees fit to buff her current play style.
5) Sivir

Only marginally better than Zeri in terms of tier ranking, Sivir sits at a ‘C-‘. She even has an improved win rate of 49.81 percent. However, she only has 738 games played. Players online find her to work best in an organized team, so she’s not a popular pick for when playing with randoms. However, she’s not a popular pick at all which could also be due to most finding her auto-attack playstyle pretty boring.
4) Shyvana

As we’ve already seen a few times on this list, having a good tier ranking and a positive win rate doesn’t mean a champion is guaranteed to be picked. According to LoLalytics, Shyvana is a ‘B’ tier choice with a 50.98 percent win rate, but a measly 676 games played. Surely this isn’t due to her design, since we find her to be pretty darn cool-looking. However, she is a very situational champion which could make her much less appealing to most players.
3) Naafiri

Naafiri is certainly the newest champion on this list being released in July 2023, and that could be a contributing factor as to why she’s only been chosen for 596 games. Her ‘C+’ tier ranking isn’t great either, but she does have a respectable 51.83 percent win rate. Perhaps, as more patches are released and players become more familiar with her, she’ll find a more comfortable spot within the meta and climb out of the least-played category.
2) Braum

You might never guess that Braum would be this low if you see advertisements for League of Legends or play its spinoff titles. Braum is a popular choice for League of Legends marketing, and he’s even got appearances as a helpful NPC in Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story and a playable character in Ruined King: A League of Legends Story.
Despite his popularity among game developers, he doesn’t seem to be a popular choice for those playing League of Legends as he’s only been chosen for 568 games. His win rate of 50.47 percent and his tier rank of ‘B-‘, however, make this extremely low number of games seem pretty odd. Perhaps it’s because his strengths rely on strong team coordination, or perhaps he’s just not the best at being a support tank right now. Whatever the case, it seems Braum is plenty busy starring in other games.
1) Corki

If you’re constantly staying up-to-date on the least-played characters in League of Legends, seeing Corki here should be no surprise to you. With only 383 games played, a terrible win rate of 47.77 percent, and a ‘D’ tier ranking, he’s definitely one character that players avoid like the plague.
Unfortunately for the daring bombardier, he’s been unpopular for a long time. He’s regularly the least-played or one of the least-played champions from season to season. Maybe, one day, Riot Games will see fit to give him a large rework to make him a more popular choice. Then again, perhaps he’s so unpopular now that it wouldn’t be worth the effort.
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