This LoL jungler is one of the best in Bronze, but horrible in Challenger

One League of Legends champion is performing exceptionally well in the Bronze but is downright awful in Challenger.
Amumu has the third-highest win rate in the jungler position in Patch 13.11 with 53.12 percent, according to stats site U.GG. But in Challenger, the Sad Mummy has the third-lowest win rate with a horrible 41.98 percent.
Amumu was an underused, unvalued champion just a few patches back, but buffs to his Despair in Patch 13.9 boosted his stats. Since then, he’s been up and down in the rankings thanks to shifts in the meta.
It’s no surprise Amumu is one of the best jungler in Bronze. Lower-rank players always prioritize champions with crowd control tools, and with an AoE ultimate and long-range stun, the Sad Mummy is one of the top priorities for Bronze players. In that ranking, he has a seven percent pick rate and a 9.6 percent ban rate in Patch 13.11.

The case is a lot different in higher ranks. While skilled players still value crowd-control tools, they tend to prioritize mechanical-heavy champs. They usually pick junglers who can outmaneuver enemy teams in teamfights, create map pressure, and can shift the early game towards their advantage, like Rek’Sai, Volibear, Rengar, or Zac, to name a few.
Don’t take anything for granted, though. Patch 13.12 will once again add a series of changes to League, so it’s very likely the power rankings will change. The upcoming update is set to release on Wednesday, June 14.
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