Tyler1 to LoL devs: ‘You have completely f*****g killed any passion or playability of this game for me’

Another day, another Twitch stream where a popular content creator complains about League of Legends—and this time it’s one of the game’s biggest stars.
In his latest broadcast, Tyler1 went on a classic tirade about the state of League after suffering another loss in his solo queue grind. It was also the final match he played on stream before heading off, with the Twitch star declaring he was tired of the Riot Games title and claiming “people are miserable because the balance is so bad.”
These fiery words came after back-to-back League losses on the day, and after he had his Taliyah jungle teammate drop only two kills with a whopping 10 deaths to boot. As the support, Tyler1 had the second-most kills while playing Brand, while the top side of the map had eight kills and 23 deaths. On the other team, the opposing Naafiri dropped eight kills and their jungle Graves had a destructive performance with 18 kills.
He also mentioned the sweeping changes headed to League for next year, which include the massive jungle changes, the revamped item system, and map changes. Though they are making some huge adjustments, Tyler1 isn’t convinced it will make any changes to the state of solo queue and the balance of the game.
“It’s gonna be the same thing,” he suggested, chiding the League devs and their impending 2024 plans. “There’s going to be broken shit again, and they are gonna do the exact same things. Shame on the devs for what they’ve done to this game. You have completely fucking killed any passion or playability of this game for me.”
Granted, Tyler1 has always complained about the state of League but has then ensured he returns to Summoner’s Rift at the end of the day. As he said before, he needs Riot to fix the game since he’s addicted and can’t quit.
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