Victorious Tryndamere finally appears in LoL players’ accounts on Patch 14.5 launch day

It was getting down to the wire for Riot as many players across the League of Legends community had reported throughout the entire Patch 14.4 cycle that they had not received their Victorious Tryndamere skin.
Today, though, it appears that the skin has made its way to the accounts of players who rightfully earned it during the second split of the 2023 ranked season. The Victorious Tryndamere skin was promised by Riot to be awarded to players’ accounts at some point during the patch, and finally, on the day of the game’s transition between Patch 14.4 and Patch 14.5, League players across the board—particularly on social media sites Reddit and Twitter—are reporting that the skin has finally reached their accounts.

Victorious Tryndamere was the ranked reward for the second split of the 2023 ranked season, which ended on Jan. 9. To earn Victorious Tryndamere, you needed to acquire the relevant amount of Split Points for your rank, in addition to maintaining an honor level of at least two.
Traditionally, Riot hands out the Victorious skin for a corresponding split or season just a few days to weeks after the end of the season, so to see Victorious Tryndamere come nearly two months after the conclusion of the last season is a bit of a surprise.
Granted, the lack of downtime between the end of 2023 Split Two and the start of 2024 Split One most likely played a factor when it came to determining ranked rewards. This year, there was no official preseason period for the current League season.
If you’re one of those players who has been constantly refreshing your account page since Patch 14.4 began on Feb. 22, we recommend logging into the game now. There’s a really strong chance that Victorious Tryndamere will be there waiting for you.
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