Wild theory about new LoL skin tier above Legendary actually kind of makes sense

The star of the Soul Fighter skinline coming with League of Legends Patch 13.14 is easily Ultimate Samira skin, with the price tag of 3250 RP. Unfortunately, League players don’t think it’s worthy of the Ultimate skin title and agree this could be a way for Riot to implement a new skin tier.
After looking at Samira’s Soul Fighter skin spotlight on June 28, players rushed to League’s subreddit to share a wild theory about this skin and Riot’s plans. In the post, one player outlined how this skin is clearly not of Ultimate quality, but surely above Legendary skins. They believe Riot slapped the Ultimate skin price tag on it to create a new skin tier between Legendary and Ultimate skins.

According to this fan theory, the plan here is to have the players complaining about the skin quality and lower the price of Samira’s skin to cost somewhere between 1820 and 3250 RP, effectively creating a new tier for skins that have newer animations or use newer technology, but aren’t up to Ultimate standards. The best examples of this right now would be the Winterblessed Diana and Empyrean Pyke skins which have special map-wide effects whenever they get a pentakill.
If Riot decides to go down this route, it would be history repeating itself. In 2013, Riot increased the price of 17 skins from 975 to 1350 RP. So far, Riot hasn’t commented on this wild theory, but we’ll hopefully see soon if this is fact or fiction.
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